Reach Large Audiences with Google Ads: Google Advertising Services

We are ready to bring your brand and website to wider audiences on Google through our effective advertising services.

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Google Advertising Services

Google ads are very important for websites to be found on Google quickly. As the Google advertising agency, we are ready to provide the necessary support for your website to get visitors in the words you want. Google ads allow you to rank higher on certain words than your competitors. It's important that ad criteria such as exact match, broad or rank match are configured correctly. We are among the best Google advertising agencies. You can contact us for your Google advertising requests.

Google Advertising Fees

Advertising fees are determined according to the cost per click of the words. This situation varies from sector to sector. In general, words with higher ad competition scores have higher costs per click. For example, if a word costs 0.35 TL per click, it is possible to get 100 clicks for 35 TL. If you do not advertise, your site will appear in the lower ranks, so people can log in to competitors' sites instead of yours. This may cause you to have less profit in the market. From this point of view, Google ads are of great importance. As Google advertising agency, we are ready to offer you professional support in this field.